Government College of Nursing Durg
Central Library
The Library of the College provides a neat, well-stocked and peaceful corner for all those knowledge craving and curious minds that venture to drown in the world of knowledge and information. The separate reading rooms with neatly arranged racks flashing the latest journals and magazines on display provide the perfect ambience to that inquisitive mind eager to know more. The library has around 20,000 handpicked books on various subjects, is up to date and of immense help to both the students and the staff.The entire functioning of the library is computerized with the help of technical software’s and bar-codes enabling students and teachers to pick-up study material easily. The library has vast range of text books, reference books, manuals, journals, magazines, newspapers etc. It also has a number of e-resources in the form of CDs and DVDs. Online e-journals subscribed by the institute can also be accessed in the library.
Library Rules :
Students are required to observe the following Rules :• Library will remain opened for users from 10 am to 5 pm on all working days.
• Books will be issued and returned up to 3:30 pm on prescribed days.
• Library cards/tickets are non transferable. Members are responsible for the books issued against their cards/tickets.
• Identity cards must be shown at the issue counter or whenever demanded by the library staff.
• Books will be issued for only 14 days against their cards. A fine @ Rs. 2/- per day/book will be charged for first week. For second week @ Rs. 5/- per day/book and for third week @ Rs. 10/- per day/book and so on and so forth.
• Periodicals and reference books are kept only for reference in the library and cannot be issued to any member. However old magazines can be taken/issued for reading.
• In case of loss of books, the borrower will be required either to replace the books or pay for the books with 20% service charges.
• Students shall not engage in audible conversation in any part of the library. Students shall not write upon, damage or mark any books belonging to the library. Student responsible for any damage to the books or any other property belonging to the library shall be required to pay the penalty that may be fixed by the Principal/ Director.
• Member of the book bank shall be issued one text book for each subject i.e. 6 books per semester.
• The books issued must be returned to the library on the completion of each semester.
• Books on demand, if issued already, may be reserved by filling up the reservation slip. Such reserved books whenever available in the library can be got issued on First Come First Serve basis.